Vermont for Wildlife

In recent decades, the number of African giraffes has plummeted nearly 40 percent, yet they currently receive no protection under the U.S. Endangered Species Act. Despite this, giraffes are being killed for trophies—often by American hunters—and their parts are increasingly sought after for fashion items like boots, knife and gun handles, decorative home décor like barstools, and other trinkets.
An undercover investigation by Humane Society International found giraffe parts and products sold online and in stores by at least 51 dealers across the United States.
While conservation groups filed a petition in April 2017 asking that the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service consider listing giraffes under the Act, as of December 2018, no action has been taken.
Trump is no fan of trophy hunting — will he let giraffes go extinct? December 8, 2018 opinion contributor — 12/08/18 11:00 AM EST
Undercover investigation exposes shocking, unregulated market for giraffe parts across the United States despite steep population declines, Humane Society International, August 23, 2018
Petition to list the Giraffe under the Endangered Species Act, April 19, 2017
Americans Have a Surprisingly Large Appetite for Giraffe Parts, Smithsonian Magazine, August 2018
Giraffes Among Ten Species Imperiled by the Trump Administration